11th Quadrennial Lay Convention
Knoxville, Tennessee
Saturday, July 22 – Thursday, July 27, 2017


In six months we will gather in the Great Smokey Mountain city of Knoxville, Tennessee for the 11th Quadrennial Lay Council Convention hosted by the Mid-West Episcopal District at the Knoxville Marriott Hotel from July 22-27, 2017. The convention theme is, “Refocusing on Our Purpose, Reviewing our Practices, Retooling Our People and Reaching Our Potential”. Laity of Zion, this is OUR convention. The Quadrennial Convention is the largest non-delegated convention in our denomination. Every registered financial member of the Connectional Lay Council whose dues are paid thirty (30) days prior to the opening date of the convention (with the exception of Honorary members) will be eligible to vote during the business proceedings, which will include the election of officers, approval of the quadrennial budget, and legislation.

Convention planning is in full throttle. The CLC convention steering committee, the CLC Executive board and your Episcopal hosts are working tirelessly to ensure a well planned and executed convention. We sincerely hope you will include attendance at the CLC in your summer schedule.

In addition to the important business there will be a very substantive program component and opportunity to participate in some of the cultural attractions Knoxville has to offer. The program component will include lay academies on the connectional sub-themes for both lay and clergy. A
highlight of the Convention will be the Saturday opening plenary session titled “Straight Talk-Matters of the Heart”, an intergenerational panel discussion about how to attract and sustain young adults in the local church. This panel discussion will be a continuation of the vibrant discussion from the “Moses and Joshua Generation” panel presentation, which took place at the last convention. The CLC education committee has developed numerous relevant workshop topics with an excellent pool of presenters. Our presenters include several of our Bishops, past CLC Presidents, General Officers and pastors. There will also be daily bible study.

Knoxville has a number of cultural attractions, which you will be to visit while at convention: the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame, Beck Cultural Center, (an African American historical center), Alex Haley Heritage Square (includes a statue and park named for the Pulitzer prize winner), a Zoo, and a World’s Fair Park to name just a few.

I hope this overview of what’s in store for you at the 11th Quadrennial Convention has stimulated your desire to attend our convention in Knoxville. We look forward to welcoming you on July 22nd to what promises to be an exciting and memorable 11th Quadrennial Convention.

You will find the links for the Knoxville Marriott Hotel and Convention registration through Cvent at the bottom of this message.

As we continue our planning and you prepare for your journey to Knoxville please pray God’s will be done at this Convention.


Peace and Blessings,

Yvonne Baskerville
Convention Chairperson


Hotel: Click here to book your group rate for AME Zion: Connectional Council, WHOMS Leadership Inst., & Connectional Lay Council Quad. Convention at Knoxville Marriott Hotel

Transportation: Ground Transportation – Travel to and from Airport

Cvent:  https://www.cvent.com/d/wvq5fr/4W