Welcome to the newly designed Official Connectional Lay Council website, an information resource for the Lay ministry. Here you will find resources to use in forming an effective lay council in the local church, presiding elder district, conference and region. We are all about bringing others to Christ. This website offers a wealth of educational materials, articles, newsletters, forms, and other tools; all designed to keep you up-to-date on strategies for doing lay ministry.

The General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church directs that there shall be a Lay Council at all levels of the church for the purpose of deepening the spiritual life of the Laity; disseminating information; cultivating denominational loyalty, expanding the denomination through education and evangelism and promoting any other interest of the Kingdom of God.

The Connectional Lay Council shall have the power to adopt its own Constitution and/or Bylaws to be ratified by the General Conference. The Lay Council shall have the power to elect its own officers who meet the qualifications and shall be members in good standing of The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Each Episcopal Area shall be represented on the Connectional Lay Council Executive Board by a Regional Director. The Director shall be appointed by the General President and confirmed by the Executive Board. The voting privilege in the Connectional Lay Council shall be contingent upon the paying of dues with the exception of honorary (clergy and those under 18 years of age) members.

Our mission is to prepare and equip laity for life discipleship in the Kingdom of God by maintaining effective ministries that evangelize, encourage and edify laity. Great things are in store for the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church as we purposefully develop lay leadership and ministries to bless and reach others for Christ. It is a new day in Zion for the laity!

To God be the glory!